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UPNEEQ® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution), 0.1% is a prescription eyedrop used to treat acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids) in adults.

UPNEEQ® used to treat acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids) in adults.

Do you have low-lying eyelids (blepharoptosis)? Are you looking for a safe way to raise your eyelids, moisturize and decrease the visibility of blood vessels in the eye? UPNEEQ® is a once daily drop to treat low-lying lids. Open your eyes with UPNEEQ®, the only FDA-approved prescription eye drop for acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) that lifts your upper eyelids.  UPNEEQ® comes as a 30 unit single use over filled ampule kit. One ampule contains enough UPNEEQ® to treat both eyes. Each ampule of UPNEEQ® comes individually wrapped in a kid proof foil packet.

Low lying eyelids can impair vision for reading, driving and other day to day activities and make us look tired or sleepy. This can be caused by a condition known as blepharoptosis (also known as ptosis or low-lying lids). Other symptoms that can be associated with ptosis includes headaches, brow aches and neck pain. In clinical trials 88% of UPNEEQ® patients had improvement!

UPNEEQ® helps lift lids, increase field of vision (up to 50%), hydrates, makes your eyes feel more awake for up to 8 hours, whitens and widens your eyes. These changes are all achieved without preservatives or contraindications unlike Iopidine (apraclonidine 0.5 %) which can be used to counteract botulinum toxin-induced blepharoptosis (Botox®, Xeomin® and other neuromodulators). Reduction of interaction with other products can be achieved by administrating UPNEEQ® 15 minutes between other eye products and insertion of contacts. UPNEEQ® begins to take affect in 15 minutes with full results occurring in two hours. Best outcomes are seen on individuals who do not have heavy eyelids with excess skin.  

UPNEEQ® (low-lying lids) in adults Before and After

UPNEEQ® (low-lying lids) in adults Before and After

UPNEEQ® for blepharoptosis has no contraindications for use with medications or underlying medical conditions. UPNEEQ® for low lying eyelids is safe for every day use and can be used in conjunction with false eyelashes. There is no known interaction between UPNEEQ® and glue used to attach eyelashes.


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